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Analysis and modelling

Adaptive modelling.

Survival of the fittest — we’ll analyse and test your approach, consulting with you to optimise your strategy for immediate and future digital marketing performance.

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Finding your future state

To evolve your data we need to first understand its potential — deciphering the direction that will stretch your performance further. Our team will create, execute and test custom modelling exercises across a number of value sets — predicting and then refining your performance to best fulfil your objectives.

  • Novel experimentation and testing frameworks to gain a deeper understanding of your data.
  • Boosted efficiencies through a greater emphasis on insights.
  • Providing a clearer direction for and understanding of your data.

A custom approach.

Our custom measurement methodologies are designed to inform more accurate budget allocation, optimising decision making within your business.

  • More tailored view-points better geared towards objectives achieved through logic, attribution, and measurement models. 
  • Close internal team partnership and support guaranteeing stakeholder buy-in.
  • Robust tracking methods applied before the model builds begin.
  • Proven methodologies to validate measurement assumptions used to test and validate the model on an ongoing basis.

Future-proofed figures.

Our team use tailored propensity modelling to analyse your first-party data, accurately predicting the future value of customers based on behaviour today.

  • More informed marketing strategies bolstered by forecasted performance analysis.
  • Accurate churn predictions to refine your customer-retention strategy.
  • Better optimised marketing spend through propensity data used across your media channels.

Testing hypotheses.

Nothing by assumption — we conduct experiments within your data sets to validate our every action, guaranteeing your first-party data is being utilised efficiently and effectively throughout your campaigns. We’ll work with you to design your own experimentation frameworks, potential tests, measurement logic and analysis results to keep you ahead of your competitors.

  • Improved campaign performance and return on investment through tactical testing.
  • Macro and micro customer behaviour understanding and preferences.
  • More aligned marketing and business objective action.
  • Efficient use of resources and budget through reduced wastage.

An evolution mechanism.

We use incrementality testing to help optimise the true value of a campaign. By slowly adapting your values over time, our team ensures budget and bidding decisions are closely aligned with business objectives.

  • Robust measurement frameworks that incrementality test campaigns.
  • More relevant and timely testing schedules.
  • Combined use of incremental testing data within attribution and measurement logic.
  • Clearer insights on budget and bidding targets based on business objectives.

Less theory – more fact.

Success stories that stretch. In constant pursuit of a limitless potential, our client case studies are an exercise in unnatural selection.

Outlier Value Capping – Adjusting Google Ads Conversion Value

Building a Paid Search Demand and Supply Model

Leveraging automation, data analysis, and innovative strategies to balance supply and demand.

Reducing Cross Matching to Increase CVR by 19%

A Lyst & WeDiscover case study assessing semantic similarity and employing targeted strategies to reduce cross matching.

"Accurate measurement is so crucial. WeDiscover’s solution has allowed us to get a complete grasp on Google Ads attribution by fully understanding the conversion lag time and therefore understanding the full impact of our PPC efforts. The confidence levels in our short-term and long-term decisions have been reinforced by the performance we have achieved since implementing this solution.”

Nick Fioretti, Associate Director, Adelante Shoe Co.