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Data makes the difference

We push social campaigns towards conversion through custom data analysis and application — ensuring the bidding signals we send to platforms align with tailored business interests.
We use effective first-party data to enrich audience segments; seeing your approach rapidly expand towards truer, more effective targets.

  • More accurate, reliable and relevant data collection and pass back.
  • Industry-leading data measurement via custom attribution models, incrementally tracking, brand tracking and data collection audits.

Data makes the difference

We push social campaigns towards conversion through custom data analysis and application — ensuring the bidding signals we send to platforms align with tailored business interests.
We use effective first-party data to enrich audience segments; seeing your approach rapidly expand towards truer, more effective targets.

  • More accurate, reliable and relevant data collection and pass back.
  • Industry-leading data measurement via custom attribution models, incrementally tracking, brand tracking and data collection audits.

Data makes the difference

We push social campaigns towards conversion through custom data analysis and application — ensuring the bidding signals we send to platforms align with tailored business interests.
We use effective first-party data to enrich audience segments; seeing your approach rapidly expand towards truer, more effective targets.

  • More accurate, reliable and relevant data collection and pass back.
  • Industry-leading data measurement via custom attribution models, incrementally tracking, brand tracking and data collection audits.

Data makes the difference

We push social campaigns towards conversion through custom data analysis and application — ensuring the bidding signals we send to platforms align with tailored business interests.
We use effective first-party data to enrich audience segments; seeing your approach rapidly expand towards truer, more effective targets.

  • More accurate, reliable and relevant data collection and pass back.
  • Industry-leading data measurement via custom attribution models, incrementally tracking, brand tracking and data collection audits.

Data makes the difference

We push social campaigns towards conversion through custom data analysis and application — ensuring the bidding signals we send to platforms align with tailored business interests.
We use effective first-party data to enrich audience segments; seeing your approach rapidly expand towards truer, more effective targets.

  • More accurate, reliable and relevant data collection and pass back.
  • Industry-leading data measurement via custom attribution models, incrementally tracking, brand tracking and data collection audits.

Data makes the difference

We push social campaigns towards conversion through custom data analysis and application — ensuring the bidding signals we send to platforms align with tailored business interests.
We use effective first-party data to enrich audience segments; seeing your approach rapidly expand towards truer, more effective targets.

  • More accurate, reliable and relevant data collection and pass back.
  • Industry-leading data measurement via custom attribution models, incrementally tracking, brand tracking and data collection audits.

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Client name, job title

Less theory – more fact.

Success stories that stretch. In constant pursuit of a limitless potential, our client case studies are an exercise in unnatural selection.

Outlier Value Capping – Adjusting Google Ads Conversion Value

Building a Paid Search Demand and Supply Model

Leveraging automation, data analysis, and innovative strategies to balance supply and demand.

Reducing Cross Matching to Increase CVR by 19%

A Lyst & WeDiscover case study assessing semantic similarity and employing targeted strategies to reduce cross matching.